The Artists Connection Newsletter

The Artist’s Connection - February Edition

Frequently Asked Questions about Radio Promotions

I have put together some of my most frequently asked questions about radio promotions.  I hope this will help you to have a better understanding of Radio Promotions. 
You can reach me for further details at my office.

Tammy Kirkland
Paradigm Promotins Dept.

Tammy Kirkland Answers Frequently Asked Questions about Radio Promotions

How do I get on the Radio?
Start by sending us your project.  We will evaluate every song on your CD and make our recommendations.  Once your single is chosen, it will be placed on a radio compilation CD and sent out to the radio stations in our directory.  We also offer MP3 files downloadable on our website.  We currently mail out to over 1000 stations ranging from Southern Gospel, Christian Country, Inspirational and mixed format.

Why can’t I just send my CD to radio stations?
First, mail from an artist is considered unsolicited mail.  Second, many unsolicited CDs end up in a closet until some energetic person in the station loads them up and takes them to family members as a give away. And THIRD, radio station personnel, especially music directors, know this is not the way professional artists do business.  NOW, with all that said, there will most likely come a day when you will be asked by myself or a radio station to send your complete project for a door prize or call in contests. (We highly recommend you send them if requested.)

What can you do for me that I can’t do for myself?
Well, for starters we have a HUGE network of radio stations with whom we have existing relationships.  Next, we act as your advocate.  Who is a music director more likely to deal with, an artist or a fellow industry professional he or she already knows? Again and Again, DJ’s tell stories of artists sending them a CD and then calling to find out if the station is going to play it.  It’s important to understand that while getting a song out to radio is a very exciting step for an artist, its business as usual for industry professionals.  In other words, it’s their job, they do this day in and day out, every day of the week and most of them work long hours and our stretched thin. Working in this industry we have grown to understand radio; so we know when to make what move.  We act as a buffer, DJ’s can make or break the career of a new artist or group.  DJ’s can offer critical advice about an artist or a single.  You need someone to whom a DJ can speak open and honestly with.  We act as a filter allowing them to give their honest opinion without fear of offending the artist.  As an artist, you would be surprised how much your music ministry can improve when you listen to constructive criticism from industry professionals.

How important are the charts?
Well that depends…How important are they to you?  That’s the question.  If getting in the charts is the only thing that matters to you, then they can be very important.  However, ask yourself the question: Who has the number one single right now? If you know the answer without looking it up, charting is most likely at the top of your priorities.  So, to answer the question, we have to know what your goals are.  It is our experience that solid, long term careers are built over time.  Artists land on and fall off the charts all the time.  Where are they now?  Realistically, you may not chart your first time out to radio.  But that’s okay if you are committed to working at your career for years to come.

Will I hear my song on the radio?
That is our goal.  The short answer is most likely.  In our experience, an artist’s or group’s hometown station gets excited to be a part of an actual radio campaign. It sends a signal to the station personnel know that the group or artist has gotten serious about their career. There are some great people who work in Radio who want to see great people succeed. 

What should my Radio Promotion Company do for me?
What SHOULDN’T your promotion company do for you? While I can’t speak for every radio promoter, I get actively involved with each and every client.  My phones seem to never stop ringing. I believe in developing a personal relationship as well as a business relationship.  My first goal is to get your song to radio station and into rotation.  Then I try to get the DJ and Music Directors involved with our clients.  We set up phone interviews and location interviews for our artists.

What Should Radio Airplay Do For Me?
Radio airplay should first raise your profile.  Your first goal is to be taken as a serious artists or group.  Once a listening area is playing your song in regular rotation you can use that as a tool to book your self in that area. 

Will Radio Stations really play my song?
Yes, they really will.  Not EVERY station will play your single.  We’ve had MAJOR artists get rejected by stations of all sizes for a host of different reasons.  We have also had MAJOR stations play unknown artists, without hesitation.  It’s just one of those things that leaves us saying “Hmmmmm….”

Do you guarantee airplay?
No, we do not.  However, artist who I have never promoted has received radio airplay. We must be doing something right!

Do you ever turn anyone down?
Yes, unfortunately we have.  Not every song is appropriate for radio. It can be for various reasons.  Sometimes it comes down to the song does not fit the genres we represent.  We have turned down songs that we’re recorded in poor quality.  While we have a studio in house that can produce “Polished Radio Singles” we can’t accept “poor quality” recordings.  This is with the artist best interest in mind.  Most artists can sing and are talented but a poor recording can give a radio station a wrong impression of what they can expect when you release to a song to radio.  So your every single has to be of good quality.

How do I know if my song is good enough for radio?
We will give you our honest opinion then you can decide for yourself.  However, remember that you are more critical of yourself than other people are.  I always go back to the analogy that “When he was on the Cross I was on his mind” was a number one song on the charts and was radio worthy.  So imagine the sound of that song being rated a 10 on a scale of 1 – 10 and you can figure out where your song is on a scale of 1 – 10. Be realistic.

Can I release a single before I release my CD?
Absolutely!  It happens all the time especially with major artists. 

What about hiring multiple promoters?
Not a good idea.  You should search, pray and find a promoter that you believe in and stick with one promoter. Two Promoters cost you twice the money and it does not mean twice the work for you or your song.

Should I send my song out on more than one compilation?
There is no reason to send your song out on multiple Compilation CDs.  I have found that the station managers are faithful to review every CD and every compilation they receive.  Once your song is approved and added into rotation, it means he has taken it from the Compilation CD and loaded it into his computer for airplay.  If he receives a second CD with your single on it he has no use for it.  Therefore you have spent money for no reason.

How long do you promote my song?
That is up to you.  We suggest a minimum of 3 months. However, we will evaluate a singles progress and give you our opinion.  Radio moves slow but we can usually have a good idea of your songs potential in the suggested 3 month period.

Will I be required to do anything?
Yes.  At some point, we may ask you to call the station just to get the DJ and station manager familiar with you.  We may ask you to do interviews or send product for give away contests. We HIGHLY recommend doing what we ask.  There are some artists who miss out on a hit because they couldn’t take the time to make a phone call or part with a couple CDs.  If we ask you to do something, it’s for a good reason.

Why should I be asked to call the DJ’s if I am paying you to promote me?
If I find after talking with the DJ that they have an interest in knowing more about you than what you sound like when you sing, I will ask you to call them.  In my experience radio promotions is all about building relationships and lasting friendships. 

Why should I Release a song to radio?
If you release a song to radio it should be one element of a strategy you have for your ministry.  It’s only part of a much bigger picture. We encourage you to release to radio, get out and meet your fans and sell CDs. That should be your business strategy not to be confused with your spiritual strategy.  You definitely don’t need to release to radio if you are still trying to figure that out.

What strategies does Paradigm have for radio promotions?
We combine broadcast radio, our website, email to achieve maximum radio promotions.
We hit from all angles.

Do you have a plan that fits my needs?
Yes we certainly do.

How do we get started?
By contacting me and discussing your ministry goals.  We would love to speak with you and listen to the heart of who you are and the direction you feel lead to move in.  We would love to learn more about what you are doing.  Call Tammy Kirkland with Paradigm Radio Promotions at 850-832-2540.

Graphic Design & Website Development

Paradigms Music’s graphic design and web development is handled by subsidiary company Eject Media. Eject Media is involved in many areas of the Paradigm Family including:

  • Album Cover Design
  • Web Development
  • Promotion Kits
  • Photography
  • Concert Poster Design
  • Postcards & Mailouts
  • Marketing Materials



Radio Promotions

Our commitment to Radio is to be a company that you can depend on for music that ministers to the heart. 

The Artist’s Connection

The Artist’s Connection is a monthly email produced and published by Paradigm Music Group. The goal of The Artist’s Connection is to reach DJs along with family and friends across the country with the latest happenings within the Paradigm Family. Each month this extensive newsletter is emailed directly to over 500 DJs across the US. It offers affordable advertisement for Paradigm artists who are looking to further their ministry’s reach.
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